Speed doesn’t help people or cars slow down, just a tip for you all.
Oh, and if you are like me that is finding this behaviour weird please comment and let me know what has happened to you.
You are driving down the road and you are turning into a driveway (I know this now sounds like a line from the Wonky Donky. You are driving down the road and you saw a speeding car that is very very silly).
The car that is coming the other way decides to speed up and doesn’t slow down! These drivers keep their speed up and there is nowhere for you to go! Why is this happening?

Attention drivers! Speeding up to ensure I slow down or get out of way is not a good idea. Stop this silly behavour now! You have been told.
Why do they think this is a way to make you move? Also if you cannot move and they keep going fast wouldn’t the end result be a crash? Why is this a good outcome?
It’s obvious that these drivers don’t care if they cause an accident or hurt others.
Why is it the new normal to speed up to make the other driver slow down? I’m finding this really crazy and have observed it for a while now.
It is not only drivers that are coming the other way it seems to be happening when other cars are stopped and waiting to turn into another street or house. They keep up their speed and then get angry when they have to come to a stop. Some even beep the other driver… don’t they see the blinker and the fact that they are trying to turn or that there is traffic? Strange and makes me think these people really shouldn’t be driving at all.
What other odd behaviour have you noticed on the roads lately? Are you also noticing that speeding up is a new tactic to get drivers to slow down?
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