Last night the twins were asked yet again to tidy their very messy room and yet again we were met with teenage moody angst.

They have been testing out the mannerisms and ways in which teenagers communicate for a few years now. Maybe this was so that the transition to actual teenagehood is a seamless occurrence and one that parents question when the moody, grumpy and yelling child actually started this weird and bizarre behaviour.

I have a sneaking suspicion that this means that the parent gets eased into the unruly behaviour stage and it seems to now be a normal occurrence. What are your thoughts?
So going back to the messy room and me asking for it for the billionth time to be tidied up….the kids think that my angst at the mess is not real and therefore me asking for them to be responsible for their own mess is a silly ask.
Not only do I get non-helpful people I get a lot of the following:
- Moaning
- Grunting
- Stomping of feet
- Yelling
- Slamming doors
- Saying yeah I know yah I will do it…and then nothing happens!
He’s not the messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!
Monty Python from the Life of Brian
In the film “The Life of Brian”, Brian is told by his mum (played by Terry Jones) and then promptly told to go to his room.
I thought of this moment in the Monty Python film and thought that my kids just are naughty and need to be sent to their room. However, there is no likeness to being a Messiah or at least I cannot see it.
One thing that has been working is taking away technology to make rooms get cleaned. It is so interesting how taking a phone away means kids work extra hard to get it back.
I do say that if they cannot help me and others then why should I help them? This means that if they want me or my hubby to buy or do something for them, it will not happen unless the kids help more.
Send tips for help with the teenage years and what you have done to ensure that they help out more.

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