Do you feel that you are racing around just to get everything done? Does it always seem like a mad rush?
Well if you can say YES to this I hear you.
I have felt like this for a while now that I am running around trying to get everything done and not really get much done at all.

Taking time for you and to enjoy your own company is great. I love the silence and peace that this gives me. When I get to do it. Image found on Pinterest.
Things that have been done:
- Kids cared for
- Kids taken and picked up from school
- After school activities organised, paid for and driven kids to and from them
- Cared for baby
- Shopped for food and essentials at supermarket
- Got birthday present for my mother in law
- Washed clothes and now trying to fold and put them away
- Cleaned kids room about million times. No point with this one as in seconds it is back to the destruction it was in before it was tidied up
- Cook dinners for everyone
- Pack lunches for kids
- Check the mailbox for important mail (mainly checking for birthday presents to arrive, oh and a wedding anniversary gift)
- Make sure that all excursions have been paid for and notes signed
I know there is more to add to this list but some things are a blur so I might have forgotten something important.
Racing around in the window of time that I have to myself never seems to get everything done. I did try and tidy up the bathroom in-between hanging clothes on the line. However I had to have the baby in the garden with me so was keeping an eye on him while doing some jobs.
When I get some time for me to just sit in silence and not race around I feel a little on edge. I think this is due to being on the go all the time and the constant activity and noise of now three kids. Sometimes it takes a while to just chill out, relax and just be.
I currently have a very sore neck and shoulders; It is rather painful. I tend to hold all my annoyance and stress in my shoulders, jaw and neck. I have tried massage, hot showers and the chiropractor. Maybe I need all three? Or a nice Queensland holiday that allows me to be on the beach, sleep in and rest might be just what is needed.
How do you try and relax?
I try and watch some of my favourtie television shows or go for a walk on my own. Yes walking all by myself without kids is great (I need to wait till a weekend to do this as hubby needs to mind the kids). I also like to take myself off to a cafe for brunch or maybe to the movies to watch a film that I have wanted to see.
The Child Development Institute has a great list to help parents manage their stress. Why not check out some ideas that might help you next time or now if you are needing some relaxation time.
Taking the time to relax is very important. It is good for your health and of course relationships.
Do you find it takes more time to relax than it used to? I truly believe due to being constantly on the go it takes the body more time to rest and de-stress. What about you?
I know it is hard but I do think we need to cut back on things and activities. I would just love to come home after school pick up and just be. I have also tried to make things a bit easier for me by doing some organising the night before. This means less stress in the morning and an easier start to the day. How do you make things easier for you when you are extremely busy?