Is Your Home Safe and Smart?


Is your house safe?

Does your house have safe quality locks on doors and windows?

Do you have any other devices to help you ensure your house is being monitored at all times?

Crime Stoppers have partnered with Lane Security the lock experts, and Cammy an app based security solutions provider to help Australian’s protect their homes, valuables and themselves.

Lane Security and Cammy prepared a report called the break-in busters report, 1,000 Australians were surveyed about their security practices and beliefs.

Did you know?

“For almost four in ten households, a home security upgrade is on the to-do list (37 per cent), however, cost (57 per cent) and confusion over the best way to approach security (14 per cent) appears to be holding people back from safeguarding their homes.”

Now the LEGO Modular House is complete, it needs to have some security added to keep it safe. There is a dog, and a light, so making sure locks and a smart device is installed is key.

Now the LEGO Modular House is complete, it needs to have some security added to keep it safe. There is a dog, and a light, so making sure locks and a smart device is instialled is key.

Below are the key takeaways from the Break-in busters report:

  • When it comes to break-ins, personal safety is the biggest concern for Australians with 59% worried about the safety of their family if an intruder broke-in.
  • Loss of belongings is the second biggest concern with 19% of Australians worried about losing their belongings and 14% worried about the inconvenience of replacing the stolen items.
  • Men are twice as likely as women to worry about the inconvenience of replacing stolen items – 18% versus 9%
  • 39% of Australians believe they could do more to better protect their home.
  • 33% of Australians believe the best way to protect their home is through visual security props, such as outdoor cameras or security protection signs.
Thanks so much to Lane Security, Cammy and LEGO for this wonderful gift. They will be put to good use to help keep us all safe and well. Oh, plus the kids will have fun with the LEGO set.

Thanks so much to Lane Security, Cammy and LEGO for this wonderful gift. They will be put to good use to help keep us all safe and well. Oh plus the kids will have fun with the LEGO set.

As you can see from the 1,000 families interviewed it shows that many believe their home security could be better and nearly 60% are worried about break-ins and personal safety.

This clearly indicates that if more people upgraded their home security the worry would lessen for families.

When did you check your locks on your windows and doors? It is recommended to upgrade every ten years. If in doubt, upgrade!

It’s a good idea to update locks on all windows and doors plus to add a smart device for extra peace of mind. This will give you the best possible protection and allow you to see and to keep track of what is happening at your house.

Do you have smart devices helping you keep a watchful eye over your place? Having the ability to save images, videos and to back up all this the cloud is very helpful.

You can log in remotely via the app on your phone or tablet and can even get messages via your Apple watch if you have one.

Check out how it all works on the Cammy website and you can also download the app for the iPhone and Android devices, plus one for your desktop computer too!

Lane Security and Cammy kindly sent me a safety pack to keep us all safe and secure. The pack contained:


LEGO is such a great tool for kids to learn with and for play. Once they have their house built, they can keep it safe.

LEGO is such a great tool for kids to learn with and for play. Once they have their house built, they can keep it safe.



“With more than a quarter of a million families affected by a home burglary in Australia between 2015-2016,
Crime Stoppers is advising homeowners that all it takes is a few simple steps to better secure their home.”




Crime Stoppers , Lane Security and Cammy would like
everyone to be safe and smart when it comes to keeping their home safe.
Start with good quality locks and add smart devices for an extra level of protection.






A HUGE thank you to CrimeStoppers, Lane Security, Cammy and LEGO for my wonderful gifts. They will be a great help to keep our house safe and come in handy with our new place that we are building.

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