Have you purchased all the items your kids need to start school soon? I did and boy was it expensive, and also stressful shopping with two very energetic kids (not to mention the baby as well).
Making sure you can have all the items that the school desires you to have for your kids to start school is great if you have the money, but give a thought for families that might not. They might be struggling and some purchases might not be able to be made. Therefore these kids miss out and start out the school year behind the other kids. This disadvantage can really impact a child’s learning, confidence and much more.
Did You Know?
“There are 638,000 Australian children whose families are experiencing financial hardship and life is a daily struggle.” The Smith Family.
Children like to be like all the others and not having things the other kids do is a real blow. It makes them different from others straight from the start.
It is sad that many families are experiencing financial hardship.
I know how tough it can get, although when we struggled we did not have kids.
We had just gotten married, come home from our honeymoon to find out that hubby was let go of his job. That left me in a job that did not pay enough to pay for everything. We were super lucky that our house payments were manageable but everything else got left due to not having funds to do anything.
Hubby and I cancelled the extras that cost us money, we bought in bulk and mainly mince and frozen vegetables. Kind relatives sent us care packages and gift cards so we could shop at Coles or Woolies At times we went without dinner and struggled to put petrol in the car. It was tough and we are able to say we survived. We were lucky. We had help from friends and family.

Help create a better future for some of Australia’s poorest kids – donate to the Smith Family today. Help kids purchase school essentials so they can be their best.
I can’t imagine how much tougher it would have been with kids as well. We did have a cat and made sure he ate well, but I do know kids and their needs are different. They would need clothes, school items, and all sorts of things. Being in dire straights due to circumstance is tough and hard.
I agree with the Smith Family when they say that, “It is absolutely crucial that we give them the support they need”. Without help families go backwards and situations can get worse.
Education and opportunity can open so many doors for kids. It can change your whole life. Change someones life today by donating to the Smith Family so they can help a family get school supplies and other educational support for their kids.
I have given today, why don’t you! Donate to the Smith Family today. See the nice thank you I received after I gave.

My donation to help families in need. I hope this helps get some school supplies and help for kids at school this year.
Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. I feel very strongly about all kids having a fair go and being equal. Kids need to feel supported and so do families so that they can provide the very best education for their children. Kids who are given opportunities and have the right equipment to learn with do well. Doing well at school leads to a good job and life. It helps everyone. I was also touched by the advertisements due to just purchasing all the twins school items for grade three this year. It was super expensive and I cannot imagine how it would be with little to no income to do it.
Make sure you help someone that is going through a tough time.
Give them support, help, maybe money or time or just a helping hand.
If you don’t know anyone that needs assistance I’m sure the Smith Family can help. If you donate to the Smith Family they will give the funds to the families that need it the most.