Do you feel like you are plodding along?
Just getting by with things? Not really being happy or sad, but just okay?
Lately, I’ve been wanting to go do something exciting. A trip away, an adventure or just something different than than the everyday.
My days consist of the following:
- Getting kids to school
- Picking kids up
- Looking after kids
- Cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, trying to tidy and then sort out messes that I have just cleaned.
- Transporting kids to events
- Taking kids to playdates
- Taking kids to parties
- Entertaining kids at home
- And probably much more that I have forgotten to add to this list
Do you go through the motions with things and then realise that you are bored, you are craving something different and new? I know I am.
A holiday somewhere warm would be ideal right now!
I’ve been feeling like a robot on autopilot, more accurately a zombie robot that is craving sleep and some serious downtime.
My days seem to be the same, nothing exciting or unusual happens. Well, I must say that hubby had a car accident that has meant that his car is now a write-off and is the reason for our new car purchase. This incident was different but not as exciting as it was a setback and hard due to being down a car.
We’ve had other setbacks with hubby being out of work for a bit last year and earlier this year…living off savings that are meant to be spent on the new house was not great but we were thankful we had money to live off as the result of no money in saving would have been even worse, we could have been homeless.
I’m craving a break from my everyday rut of being a mum and carer to all. I enviously wish I had a job like some of my friends that flew them to exotic places in the world for work. I know these working mums miss their kids and family and I would too, however being at work and in a different environment would be so exciting to me at the moment.

Everyone going through the motions of life. I am drooling over an exciting adventure, maybe a holiday somewhere amazing!
Bring on the international travel for work (Note to any brands that wish to send me somewhere amazing, I would love to go, Fiji, Paris, New York, Disneyland, Japan and more… bring it on! – Oh and if the family can come along that would be a bonus. Yes I know I am craving a break but the kids would be upset if they missed out)
Some things I’m doing to help me feel little less like a zombie:
- Exploring new areas of where I live – travelling down new streets, trying new cafes and restaurants, and going for a walk somewhere different.
- Having some time out for me – doing some mediation with Muse: the brain sensing headband ,You can read about my MUSE headband here
- Organising space and time for my projects.
- Saving for something special (dreaming of a holiday away)
- Getting a bit of exercise – I like to go for a walk and find this helps me.
- Listing to an inspiring podcast or reading something that chances my perspective.
I think the issue I have is that it seems like nothing changes and each day is a carbon copy of the one before and so on.
Do you feel the same? Or do you have periods where you are just doing things and not even knowing what you are doing until it is done? For example, you drive somewhere and be on autopilot during the drive.
Let me know what you are doing to break the feeling of just going through the motions?
I do believe that we get in ruts and need to break them. Shake things up… now I’m sounding like Taylor Swift…shake it up, shake it up!
Maybe feeling like this is part and parcel of being a stay at home mum? Or the primary care giver? It does feel monotonous at times.
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1 Response
Felicity Frankish
July 8, 2019Yes! Definitely get this feel all too often!