I saw everyone’s posts and comments about Marie Kondo and thought it looked interesting.
The rave reviews kept on coming in and not just from my network of friends, people I follow on Instagram and others online were now massive fans of Marie Kondo.
I like everyone else wondered what all the fuss was about, and had to see her new show , “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo”
Yes, I might be late to get with the KonMari Method or watch it. I did know about it before but never implemented it. My auntie read Marie’s book and followed what she recommended and has had great results.
So just in case you have no idea who Marie Kondo is here is a brief overview:
Marie Kondo is a tidying expert and a best selling author. Her latest show is featured on Netflix and if you haven’t seen it yet, I would recommend you watch all episodes. I’ve nearly completed the series and I must say that the results are stunning to say the least.
Not only does Marie help families, and couples with their clutter the flow on effect changes relationships and allows for a more harmonious home.
“The KonMari Method™ encourages tidying by category – not by location – beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and, finally, sentimental items. Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy. Thank them for their service – then let them go.
People around the world have been drawn to this philosophy not only due to its effectiveness, but also because it places great importance on being mindful, introspective and forward-looking.”
I had no idea that the show had made a deep impact until I was shopping with one of my daughters and I tried on a dress. This dress looked okay but I was unsure about it. My daughter said I looked pretty in it, but deep down I felt dumpy and frumpy in it.
I then said to her after a lot of to and froing that “the dress didn’t spark joy”
Yep, Now I’m using Marie’s signature phrase, only keep or have things that spark joy.
I asked myself, “Does this dress spark joy?”
And the answer was a BIG NO! So this dress never got purchased and has saved my bank balance and the clutter that it would be adding to my chaotic house currently.
Who knew from a few episodes already that I would be looking for items that really spark joy and that I actually need.
My aim for 2019 is to implement the KonMari Method so that our house in all rooms and wherever you look is super organised. Once done, we should be able to find anything we want and be happy for guests to turn up announced. (Currently we need to clean for days so that we can have people over – busy mum with 3 kids)
I have noticed that charity shops have been overwhelmed with donations and I think that the KonMari method might be largely responsible for this. I do hope that all the usable items go to people and places that need them.
Some charity organisations have said that they cannot accept anymore donations. Hopefully when I start my process of tidying I can give away items that might help others.
Have you been watching Marie Kondo’s new show on Netflix?
Have you put her method into practice?
If you have let me know how using the KonMari Method has helped you, the house and family.
![Not an actual picture of the kids desk but pretty accurate. Soon the KonMari Method will make this image of mess no more!](https://mummytotwinsplusone.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/messydesk_web.jpg)
Not an actual picture of the kids desk but pretty accurate. Soon the KonMari Method will make this image of mess no more!
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2 Responses
January 21, 2019I have also watched the series and am now slowly working my way through my house.
Suzanne Robinson
January 21, 2019I’m very keen Leonie to do the whole method with my house too. I will do it once kids go back to school. Suzanne