SpongeBob Is Taking Pop-In Requests Live From Bikini Bottom.
Yes, you read that right… You can book SpongeBob to pop into your zoom call.
To book SpongeBob for your next video call, visit: www.nick.com.au/spongebobpopin
SpongeBob Squarepants having fun on a video call with kids from
The Royal Children’s Hospital
SpongeBob SquarePants has made special virtual pop-ins to The Royal Children’s Hospital, Ms Studdert’s virtual prep class from Dromana Primary School, and paramedics and their families from Ambulance Victoria, and can also pop in on your next online chat.
Wouldn’t it be amazing to have SpongeBob Squarepants on your next Zoom call? I know my kids would love it.
I’ve sent off a request to see if SpongeBob is free to join us online soon to cheer up my kids.
I like everyone have been very upset that many events and long-awaited plans have been cancelled this year. My children have been very sad and in a constant funk about the things they cannot do due to the current restrictions.
We know and understand that the restrictions are helping keep us and other safe, but it is so hard to try to inject some fun into the your Childs world when you are restricted with what you can do.
This September means that many have been working and studying at home for six months. Make your day a little different by sending off a request to have SpongeBob join you and the kids on your next virtual chat.
SpongeBob can make you feel great and add some much-needed sparkle into your day.
To book SpongeBob for your next video call, visit: www.nick.com.au/spongebobpopin
Every Friday, from September 18 to October 2 SpongeBob will pop into someone’s virtual online chats. Make sure to book to not miss out.
Thanks to Nickelodeon for sharing this great event with my readers.
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