The Girls at the Airfield
Today was cooler than yesterday and Saturday. Tomorrow is going to be a day that I think any human who is outside will melt and not ever be the same. In the city it is meant to be 43 degrees and in the west of Sydney it is meant to be 45 degrees. So all those that rate things in Fahrenheit rather than Celsius 45 degrees is 113 in Fahrenheit, so it is going to very hot. It is listed to be 34 degrees here which is normally cooler than the city but it is expected to be even hotter.
As you can imagine it is a complete fire ban, people have been asked to make sure they have an escape plan and to keep cool. The local veterinary has put a list of what to do in a fire if you have pets – Fire Safety for Pets.
Not only will we have extreme hot temperatures we are set to have gale force winds tomorrow. Let’s just pray and hope that we have no fires and we are all safe and sound. Tonight we took advantage of hubby still being on holidays and managed to go to the the airfield for their regular Monday night BBQ. We normally miss it as with the twins and hubby working long and late hours it is hard to get there. It was hot and dusty there, but it was nice to see the sun setting and to walk in cooler but balmy summer night.
I send out my thoughts to all in a fire prone place and hope that you are not affected by fire. To all those that are volunteers that help us fight any fires that are here or in the future I send you thanks for your time and the danger you put yourself in to help the community.
Our aim tomorrow is to get under the sprinkler, have ice blocks, sit under the fan and to maybe go to the pool like everyone else to stay cool. Maybe we will have to go to the pictures to see the latest film to be in air conditioning or at the very least sit at the shopping centre having a drink. I hope you all try and stay cool and safe tomorrow.
As you will see there are reports to say to prepare for the worst.
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