Do you start to worry when winter approaches? Do the kids get colds and the flu easily? Does it happen more now that they go to school or day care? I have had my fair share of sickness with the twins and being exposed to more germs at school can make things harder for the whole family.
So how do you all remain healthy in cold and flu season?
Make sure you teach your little ones about proper hand hygiene techniques. I’m sure you are already telling your kids to make sure they wash their hands after eating, the toilet and so on. I know I do.
Parents are teaching their children about proper hygiene but it can fall down when they are at school or elsewhere. Do you know if there is a policy to wash hands after eating or playing? I don’t, but will definitely ask now.

The lovely people at Dettol sent me this care pack so we can not get sick this winter. It has helped and with us getting a cold while on our holidays I have used this to ensure we don’t get anymore nasties.
The simplest and cheapest way to make sure you don’t spread germs on your hands is to wash them well with soap.
To help get the message across to little people Dettol have teamed up with Tina Harris, who stars as Lah-Lah from Lah-Lah’s Big Live Band and she has created the below song to help encourage kids to wash hands and to stay healthy this winter.
The Dettol Happy Handwashing Song
Wish to download the audio, then click here
Did you know?
Dettol has also created a free initiative available to all primary schools in Australia. It has been developed alongside the “NSW Department of Education and Training to provide teachers with a range of curriculum aligned resources to help students stay happy and healthy.” If you wish to recommend that your school take part download the letter and give to your school or email Dettol to be part of the program now.

In my pack from Dettol I have a laminated card. This will be put up in the bathroom once the renovations are complete. It lists all 5 tips to ensure you have really well washed hands.

These handy wipes are so great. They help make sure the counter tops and any surface is clean and rid of germs. Dettol Surface Cleanser Wipes are great to keep with you for any emergency.
Have you succumbed to the flu or a cold during winter? Or have you managed to dodge any germs so far? If you have what do you do to remain healthy during winter?
Thanks so much to Dettol for sending me a care package. It has come in very handy.