Today my lovely twins, Julia and Lillian are eight! Yes they are eight years old already! How it has flown by so quickly. I remember when they were little babies and we had just got back from hospital. Although I think back to how small and little the girls were the same is happening with our little baby boy, Alexander. He is now eight months old and in the blink of an eye he will be one! Yes one….. well maybe not the blink of an eye but very soon. It is already September and will very soon be Christmas and then January will be here and also Alexander’s first birthday.

The girls are eight years old today! Yes they were super excited to be turning eight and also up extremely early to open their presents. Mummy was also up very late baking and decorating cupcakes for the kids to celebrate at school on their actual day.
One thing that the girls are happy about is the fact that they share a birthday with the wonderful and talented author Roald Dahl. He would have been celebrating his 100th birthday today. My girls love Dahl’s stories and I loved them as a kid and still do. He has brought joy and laughter to so many. I think my girls feel rather special to have been born on the same day.
So if you are wanting to celebrate Roald Dahl’s birthday here are some events from around the world that you might be able to get to. I must admit that this is not a full list. It might be well worth checking out the local bookshop or library in case they are having an event this weekend or today.
Events to celebrate Roald Dahl’s 100th Birthday:
- Celebrating Roald Dahl’s 100th Birthday: The Big Friendly Giant Read – Double Bay, 24th Sept at 11am
- Happy 100th Birthday, Roald Dahl! – Bendigo, Goldfields Libraries. Tuesday 20th Sept at 11am
- Roald Dahl Day – Watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory at the Mary Davies Library and Community Centre. Places are limited so you need to call or email. Sept 13, 4pm to 5.30pm
- Roald Dahl 100th Birthday Celebrations – Tuesday 13th of Sept, 3.30pm – 4.30pm. Shirley Public Library, 36 Marshland Rd, Shirley, Christchurch
- A list of events in the USA and UK to celebrate Roald Dahl’s birthday.
You can even download a party pack to celebrate at school or home.
Happy Birthday to everyone that has a birthday today. The kids had a great time opening their presents and were super excited about the fact that they got a new scooter and cannot wait for it to be put together, oh and some of the other pressies were hits also.
More baking for me this week as the girls have a party in the park with their mates from school this Saturday. Let’s just hope that I will be able to get the cake done without staying up till midnight.
Oh and Happy Birthday to my wonderful and amazing little girls! They are such lovely little people and having a twins has been such a joy. I cannot believe you are both eight years old today and cannot wait for more adventures to come. Love and hugs mummy!
Why not try your hand at this celebration snack or treat?
Wonka’s Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight!
Shared from Roald