Hubby and I have survived our first ballet concert weekend. Yes there were two performances. One was at 6pm on Saturday and the other for 2.30pm Sunday. The Saturday one we had to be at the hall for 5pm and the Sunday one we had to be at the hall for 1.30pm. Saturday we did not get home until about 9.30pm and kids had a very late dinner of weet-bix and then collapsed in their beds and went straight to sleep. We are all very tired from Saturday but had to repeat the whole saga again for Sunday’s matinee show.
I know I said saga, it was not too bad. Kids getting hair and makeup on, plus the much needed glitter hair spray was a chore unto itself. Making kids sit still to put on hot red lipstick is hard to do. I find it hard enough to colour in the lines myself, let alone putting it on a moving child!
Oh well, I handled this and managed to have some success. See image of the girls and I below. We are all wearing makeup and ready for the kids to do their Sunday concert (well today’s concert)
I volunteered to make cakes and some cupcakes to sell for the dance teacher. I made a frozen inspired cake for the first show. The cake was a double layered marble cake of chocolate and vanilla lemon, with a layer of freshly whipped cream. The cake was topped off by some blue frozen inspired butter icing and finished off with some icy sparkles and heart sugar decorations.

Frozen Cake. A double layered marble cake of chocolate and vanilla lemon. In the middle of the layers there was freshly whipped cream and topped off by butter icing and frozen inspired decoration.
I was told by many that saw the cake or had some that it was great, inspired and wonderful. I thought that this was very nice and was grateful for the fabulous feedback. I did want to create a special treat for the first performance and also wanted to see if I could tie it in with the twins performance with their class.
I wish I had a shot of what the cake looked like when I cut it up to serve. However I never got shots so you can only imagine. Sorry everyone. Next time I will make sure to get some done.
Cupcakes were created for the second show and you can see them here with the image below.

Here are my cupcakes that I made for today’s performance (Sunday matinee show). They were vanilla lemon cupcakes with choc chips. Finished with chocolate butter icing. However I accidentally added too much cocoa and it tastes more like straight chocolate than just icing. I used organic cocoa from the health food shop. This has given such a great outcome and tastes unreal.

The girls as Elsa from Frozen for their ballet concert. This was taken at the kids dress rehearsal. They looked amazing and all the costumes for all the classes were just stunning!
The girls great aunts made the trek to come and see the kids in their first ever ballet concert. The kids had a blast and loved the fact that their great aunts were there to share the fun of day. After the girls concert today which was the last one, we all went out to dinner.
I can’t believe that I am so exhausted after this weekend. I think I need a mini holiday to just decompress and relax. I know it might sound strange but racing everywhere and doing so much with noise and such energy all around you, I am keen for quiet and doing absolutely NOTHING!
How have you managed dance concerts? Do your kids participate in them? If they don’t is there something similar that has the same affect? A sport or a hobby that takes over the family for a bit? Let us know. Do you have any coping strategies that might help me or others if we do this again next year?
I am now off to bed for some much needed rest. Pity the kids have to go to school tomorrow, a sleep in would be nice. Yes silly me, if it was holidays they would wake up early wouldn’t they? I bet tomorrow I will have to wake them up.
Good night everyone! Chat tomorrow.
2 Responses
Trish Van Baast
December 1, 2014Well done, Mum. This is the first of many! It takes a lot of energy to b a Mum. All the things we do in the background ie taxi service, making cakes,costumes etc. and the most important thing of all is the hug & applause no matter what line, step or ball that was fumbled!
December 1, 2014Thanks so much I still feel like a rest but doing nothing much today has helped. You are so right. You need buckets loads of energy to be a mum and to keep up with energetic little ones. Yes I was glad we were there to hug them and show them we cared. Now just need to sort out Christmas and all is great. 🙂