Hi, everyone. I've been sick and it is not going away. I am a little better than I was but there is ...
Panadol’s Online Resources for Parents
As a mother to twin girls and a little boy I want to ensure that all my kids are healthy ...
No Rorters Here
I must say that all this talk of double dipping and new mums supposedly rorting the system is hypocritical if ...
You said what? You must be TIRED!
Have you said something silly? That makes no sense? Or it could make sense but not at the time of ...
A Happy Mother’s Day
How was your Mother's Day? Mine was lovely. The twins created cards at school and were very secretive about them. ...
Be Led By Dreams
Do you ever have times where things get on top of you? The housework, kids, life and everything else! Currently ...
Pushing Boundaries
Running around and creating mischief. Image courtesy of chrisroll at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Are your twins competitive? Mine are. It is tiring ...
2 More Sleeps Till Transition
Girls getting ready to go to school.Image courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net My little girls have grown up so much. ...
Swearing at Kids Is Not On!
Angry Man.Image courtesy of sumetho at FreeDigitalPhotos.net While on a train ride home I noticed a family. There was the ...
I’m Exhuasted, Are You?
My girls are nearly five years old and they are very good however have been at each other like nothing ...
I'm Exhuasted, Are You?
My girls are nearly five years old and they are very good however have been at each other like nothing ...
Happy Mother's Day – 2013
Mother's Day Lunch 2013 Happy Mother's Day everyone! Hope you are having a good day, I am. Today we had ...
Happy Mother’s Day – 2013
Mother's Day Lunch 2013 Happy Mother's Day everyone! Hope you are having a good day, I am. Today we had ...
The Love of Books
Do your kids love books and going to the library? Mine do, they just adore it. Going to the library ...
Time For Me
Why is it when you suddenly have time for you, the slot fills with something else to do and you ...
The Slinky Project
Hi all, I have been trying to lose weight and tone up. I am not that bad but don't feel ...
4 Year Old Immunisations
The girls had their four year old health check today and that also meant getting their immunisations. Yes needles. Both ...
Dress Ups
The girls lately like to dress up more when going out. Hats, crowns, glasses, and more. When we went to ...