I love summer. I love holidays. However I am over the craziness of the school holidays and keen for kids to go ...
Just Like Me
The other day one of the girls walked into the kitchen bawling her eyes out. She was so upset she ...
Misplaced Fitbit Flex
UPDATE: The kind people at Fitbit are replacing my Fitbit Flex for me. How lovely and exciting. Yes as you ...
Good behaviour & feel good fairy where for art thou?
Today is not good, still not well, although kids seem to be getting better. However, no one is doing anything ...
Good behaviour & feel good fairy where for art thou?
Today is not good, still not well, although kids seem to be getting better. However, no one is doing anything ...
No more yelling!!!!
I must say it is hard dealing with two 3 year olds when they don’t listen, think things are funny ...