My girls have not lost a tooth yet. Many of their friends have lost more than one and of course rave about the money they got from the Tooth Fairy.
This of course creates annoyance with the twins. They ask me when they will lose their first tooth. I tell them it will happen soon but you cannot control when your body tells your baby teeth to fall out.
I off course was late at losing teeth and maybe the kids take after me. I think I lost mine in the second grade but it could have been near the end of first grade. I do remember being annoyed at the other kids coming to school with their toy that was purchased from the money the tooth fairy left. I was in tears about this as well. The same is happening to my kids.
I have told both girls that your baby teeth fall out when your body is ready and it cannot happen unless the body signals that the tooth is ready to fall out. Some people lose theirs early and others it takes more time.

See this one looks like the big tooth is pushing up to get rid of the baby tooth. It is very swollen and looks very sore. This little girl is excited she might lose the tooth soon.
You can imagine that this explanation is not helping the kids with the fact that they have still not lost one single tooth. All they hear is it is not happening and you have to wait. Unfortunately there is not much to do other than wait.
However the waiting game might be over soon. One kid has been complaining the last week or two of her gum underneath one of the bottom front teeth. She says it is throbbing and really terribly sore. I had a look and it is all swollen, red and looks very painful. You can see the adult tooth in the gum coming up and pushing the baby tooth. Currently the baby tooth is not loose or wiggly, but it won’t be long.
She is in a lot of pain and upset. The only thing I can do is to give her some painkillers to help ease the pain and discomfort.
What is really interesting is that her sister looks like she is getting the other tooth on the bottom front. Just the one on the right, and the one that is in pain is getting the one on the left. Maybe this is a twin thing?

This little one says the tooth that is next to the one her sister is having issues with hurts. You can sort of see the big tooth in the gum coming up but it is not as red and swollen as the other one. Maybe this will happen in time.
If you have twins what teeth did they lose first? Was it directly opposite like it seems with my kids? How did you handle the pain before the tooth falls out? Let us know.
Some great links that might help you and me as well:
- Losing Baby teeth: What to expect and when – Babycenter
- Lose Baby Tooth? Top Advice from Dentists –
- Dental Care for School Aged Children –
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