Junk Room No More!


Do you have a room that is not really the junk room but ends up becoming one? Well we did, we spent some long needed hours to get it fixed up today.  Our so called junk room was the computer/spare room. We need to create more room and get the bed organised for guests.

My Mum and step dad were able to take the kids for the day and this allowed us to get busy on the house and especially the spare room. Hubby and I moved book cases out of the room to give us more space. We have chucked, some are off to charity, and we tidied, all in all a very productive and positive day.

So now the room is not a dumping ground for things we have no idea what to do with, and we are left with tidy work desks, a place where you can walk on both sides of the bed (I know this is normal in other places, but we needed the space for storage before, now it is all clear – it is going to be so easy now to make this spare bed), and the part that I am very pleased about is we purchased a light shade for the room. It looks lovely and just works so well in the room.

Hubby wanted to go to the hardware shop, but upon arrival we realised it was closed. We arrived at 3.30pm and it closed at 3pm. He thought it closed at 4pm so he was annoyed about this, until I thought lets go and see if there is a light shade we like at K-Mart. Bingo, K-Mart had the light shade we loved and only for $10, $14 for the bulbs and we were off home.

It was a blessing that Nana and Opa could take the girls today; we never would have gotten all the things done today if the kids were in the house. It was nice to focus and spend time doing it rather than getting interrupted constantly. I do love the kids, but you do get more done sometimes if they are elsewhere. The girls had a big day out with Nana and Opa, they went on a long bush walk (rated as easy but it was not that easy – a lot of stairs so girls were good to walk it all), then off to a park, then on to Nana and Opa’s for lunch and some films. I must say they were very sleepy when we came home.

I will post a picture of the light shade tomorrow when it is better to take a picture. Currently it is 9.40pm at night so hard to do, and while I am writing this post hubby is playing his shooting computer game, so turning on the light will cause angst I guess.

Do you have a room where stuff goes to rest and never sees the light of day again? It is easy to do; you get busy, need to clean up. You move whatever it is to another part so it is out of the way and it gets forgotten about. The problem lies when you have to go through all the mess to have a functional room again. What room was your issue and how did you fix it. Send in your stories.

P.S. Now we are ready for Grandma and Granddad to come and visit. Currently I have not made the bed, as I want the sheets to be fresh for their arrival in a week or so. They are coming before the girl’s birthday and party. It will be nice to see them, and the girls are so excited. Hope they like the new room.

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